Keeping Your Smile Merry and Bright: 8 Dental Hygiene Tips for the Holidays


The holiday season is a time of joy, celebration, and indulgence. It's a season filled with delicious feasts, sweet treats, and festive gatherings. However, while you're enjoying the holiday spirit and savoring all the culinary delights, it's essential to remember the importance of maintaining good dental hygiene. With a few mindful practices, you can keep your smile merry and bright throughout the holiday season.

1. Stick to a Dental Routine

Even with the craziness of the holidays, it's crucial to maintain a consistent dental routine. Brush your teeth at least twice a day for two minutes each time, and don't forget to floss once a day. Regular brushing and flossing help remove food particles and plaque that can lead to cavities and gum disease. Consider setting alarms or reminders on your phone to ensure you don't skip your oral care routine during busy days.

Get our favorite American Dental Association-approved signature toothbrush

2. Choose Your Sweets Wisely

It's no secret that the holidays bring an abundance of sugary treats. While it's tempting to indulge, try to make mindful choices. Opt for desserts that are less damaging to your teeth, such as dark chocolate instead of sticky, chewy candies. Dark chocolate is less likely to stick to your teeth and contains antioxidants that can benefit your oral health.

3. Stay Hydrated

Holiday parties often involve a variety of drinks, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic. Be sure to balance these beverages with water. Water helps rinse away food particles, acids, and sugars that can contribute to tooth decay. Plus, it's an excellent way to stay hydrated and keep your mouth moist, which is crucial for preventing dry mouth and bad breath.

4. Chew Sugarless Gum

Carry sugarless gum with you during holiday gatherings. Chewing gum, especially gum sweetened with xylitol, can help stimulate saliva production, which helps neutralize acids and protect your teeth from decay. It's a convenient and enjoyable way to care for your oral health on the go.

Here’s Dr. Ivory’s favorite sugar-free gum

5. Limit Snacking

Frequent snacking throughout the day exposes your teeth to a continuous assault of sugars and acids. Try to limit snacking between meals and instead aim for three balanced meals a day. If you do snack, choose tooth-friendly options like raw vegetables, cheese, or nuts.

6. Watch Out for Staining Foods and Drinks

Red wine, coffee, and tea are common culprits when it comes to teeth staining. If you enjoy these beverages, try to drink them in moderation and rinse your mouth with water afterward. Additionally, consider using a straw to minimize contact with your teeth.

7. Stay Prepared

Pack a small dental hygiene kit in your bag or car when attending holiday parties. Include a toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, and mouthwash. If you can't brush immediately after a meal, at least rinse your mouth with water to help remove food debris.

Check out Dr. Ivory’s favorite products to keep in your bag that keep your teeth clean

8. Schedule a Post-Holiday Check-Up

Don't forget to make a dental appointment for a check-up and cleaning after the holiday season. A professional cleaning can remove any plaque or tartar buildup and address any issues that may have arisen during the festivities.

Schedule your appointment today

While the holidays are a time for enjoyment and celebration, it's essential to balance indulgence with a commitment to maintaining your dental hygiene. With these tips in mind, you can protect your smile and keep it merry and bright throughout the holiday season. After all, a healthy smile is one of the best gifts you can give yourself during this wonderful time of year.

Ivory Hancock